Mohammed, Hajin (2019) Evaluating Grammatical Competence in Kurdish EFL Junior Students' Writings at the English Department, College of Languages, University of Duhok. Masters thesis, Koya University.
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Writing is as important to master as other skills such as listening, speaking, and reading. However, this is the skill with which most students have the biggest problem. This issue could be the fault of the teaching methods or techniques applied by teachers, the materials used in classrooms, or it could just be the fault of the students themselves. This research aims at evaluating the grammatical competence in Kurdish EFL students' writings after a three-year education. It also aims to point out those areas of grammar that need more focus to help students improve in writing and determine which teaching techniques are most suitable for helping students in developing their writing skills. Another aim of this study is to help teachers follow suitable techniques in teaching, and choose appropriate materials for their classroom instruction. To achieve these goals, this study has conducted an experiment by first evaluating students‟ grammatical competence using a test, and then evaluating their ability to apply grammar in their written essays. Ninety-three students from the English Department at Duhok University participated in this study. The researcher had hypothesized, before experimenting, that because of the teaching techniques used by teachers, in the English Department at College of Languages, the emphasis is more on learning grammar rules than being competent in using these rules in writing. Also, the researcher believed that students avoid applying complex grammatical structures in their writings so as not to make grammatical errors. The results of this study indicated that the students had struggled most with prepositions in the grammar exam and had the least trouble with pronouns. However, regarding the essay test, the majority of students made errors concerning articles, and the least number of errors were made regarding coordinators.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
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Subjects: | P Language and Literature > P Philology. Linguistics |
Divisions: | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > Department of English Language > M.Sc. Thesis |
Depositing User: | Mr. Rebwar Mohammed Jarjis |
Date Deposited: | 11 Sep 2023 08:13 |
Last Modified: | 11 Oct 2023 07:14 |
URI: | |
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