Aziz, Arkhawan (2023) Detection of Janus Kinase2 Gene Mutation and some Hematological Parameters in Polycythemic Patients /Erbil Province. Masters thesis, Koya University.
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Polycythemia vera (PV) is a clonal chronic myeloproliferative disease that causes cytokine-independent proliferation of myeloid precursors and primarily impacts the elderly. This primarily affects the erythroid lineage and causes an abnormally high number of circulating erythrocytes. Increased numbers of circulating granulocytes and platelets were also seen in many cases. The purpose of this study was to detect JAK2 mutations in patients with primary and secondary polycythemia. Additionally, erythropoietin hormone (EPO) levels were tested in polycythemic patients along with other hematological parameters were studies in 52 polycythemic patients (8 with PV and 44 blood donors). Samples were taken from patients attending Nanakaly Hospital, Directorate of Blood Bank in Erbil, and Shahid Dr. Khalid Hospital in Koya in Kurdistan region of Iraq. Sanger sequencing of JAK2 exon 14 and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) results (500 bps) showed that 3 (5.8%) polycythemic patients had heterozygous Janus Kinase2 V617F mutations, while all other samples were negative. The average of age of the study participants was 38 years, and the male participants (94.2%) were higher than the females (5.8%). The percentage of patients who have abnormal EPO for secondary polycythemia group (75%) was higher than polycythemia group (15.4%). Abnormal level of EPO was observed in patients aged between 29 to 38 (30.8%). The average of each of the hemoglobin (HGB) and hematocrit (HCT) for negative JAK2V617F was higher than the positive JAK2V617F, while the average of each of the PLT and age for negative JAK2V617F were lower than the positive JAK2V617F. Furthermore, the negative nerghila, cigarette, and alcohol had higher rates of negative JAK2V617F than their positives. Finally, most of the patients who had negative fatigue, prurtius, and headche higher rates of negative JAK2V617F than the positive JAK2V617F.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
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Subjects: | Q Science > QH Natural history > QH301 Biology |
Divisions: | Faculty of Science and Health > Department of Biology > M.Sc. Thesis |
Depositing User: | Mr. Rebwar Mohammed Jarjis |
Date Deposited: | 30 Oct 2023 09:55 |
Last Modified: | 30 Oct 2023 09:55 |
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