Taher, Marewan Dhahir (2023) A Cognitive Semantic Approach to Lexical (Sense) Relations in English. Doctoral thesis, Koya University.
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This study investigates the mental representations and conceptualizations of lexical (sense) relations by adopting cognitive semantic theories. The problem addressed in this study is that it is unclear how these relations are mentally correlated, embodied, constructed, and construed in the mental structure. This study aims at adopting cognitive semantic merits in analysing the lexical (sense) relations, and establishing connections and mappings between two or more lexical (sense) relations in the mind. This study seeks to answer the following research questions: To what extent can cognitive semantic theories be employed in studying the classical lexical (sense) relations? Can Image Schema, Mental Space, and Construal theories be utilised in investigating lexical (sense) relations? Do Image Schema, Mental Space, and Construal theories cognitively conceive of the selected data in the same ways? Do pairs of sentences, composed of two similar lexical (sense) relations but different lexical items (such as synonyms, antonyms or others), undergo cognitive analysis employing Image Schema, Mental Space, and Construal theories in the same manner? And, are the lexical items alone enough to be cognitively analysed, or are the speaker and context needed as well? Based on the research questions, the study hypothesizes that cognitive semantics can be employed in analysing the Lexical (sense) relations between two or more lexical items; all lexical (sense) relations undergo cognitive semantic analysis, but each relation involves various cognitive mechanisms; the meanings of lexical (sense) relations are constructed in the form of spaces in the mental structure through ongoing discourse on the basis of generalised linguistic and pragmatic strategies; lexical (sense) relations are embodied cognitively through sensory and perceptual experiences in the form of schematic patterns in the conceptual structure; and that lexical (sense) relations are construed through distinct and different aspects of visual ability. Speaker and context are required in analysing the adopted lexical (sense) relations cognitively. The present study employs a qualitative descriptive method of analysis, adopting an eclectic model consisting of three cognitive semantic theories: Image Schema, Mental Space, and Construal. Seven lexical (sense) relations are adopted for the analysis of (Synonymy, Hyponymy, Meronymy, Antonymy, Polysemy, Homonymy, and Metonymy). Each relation holds five examples, resulting in a total of thirty-five analyzed examples in each of the three cognitive semantic theories. The present study concludes that the adopted cognitive semantic theories can all be effectively employed in studying the lexical (sense) relations. These theories offer distinct perspectives on the selected data. While Image Schema Theory offers schematic patterns of lexical (sense) relations, Mental Space Theory focuses solely on partitioning lexical (sense) relations without invoking mental images. In contrast, Construal Theory employs attentional concepts to conceptualize lexical (sense) relations, involving judgements and comparisons based on prior experiences, accounting for the speaker’s perspective or the situation, and constructing a conceptual structure for these relations.
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctoral) |
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Subjects: | P Language and Literature > P Philology. Linguistics P Language and Literature > PE English |
Divisions: | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > Department of English Language > Ph.D. Thesis |
Depositing User: | Mr. Rebwar Mohammed Jarjis |
Date Deposited: | 16 Nov 2023 08:50 |
Last Modified: | 16 Nov 2023 08:50 |
URI: | http://eprints.koyauniversity.org/id/eprint/430 |
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