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English is regarded as an asset that can result in success in the twenty-first-century job market. Hence, mastering the art of speaking to many language learners is seen as the most important language aspect when learning the English language. Speaking assessment has made significant inroads into the field of language teaching and pedagogy in pursuit of improvement. It is vital that instructors assess their students’ speaking proficiency continuously and therefore, test results must assist instructors to determine students’ speaking proficiency. However, the current assessment based on grades does not provide specific information regarding students’ specific speaking proficiency. The grade provided does not indicate information on how to help students enhance their speaking proficiency. Therefore, a test instrument that not merely provides test scores but also aids language instructors to recognize their students’ strengths and weaknesses is crucially vital. The first objective of the current study is to develop an ESL speaking proficiency test for undergraduates. The present study gives meaning to speaking proficiency assessment through a test instrument and speaking proficiency descriptor components to describe students’ speaking proficiency. In doing so, a prototype speaking proficiency test was first devised and then refined based on recommendations of two TESOL experts. The test was then piloted over 96 undergraduates at a public university in Malaysia. The researcher then developed the cut scores to establish the performance bands namely; Band One, Band Two, Band Three and Band Four. Based on the respondents’ speaking proficiency performance, the speaking proficiency descriptors were established to identify the undergraduates’ speaking proficiency. The tested instrument was administered over 140 first-year undergraduates at two public universities in northern region Peninsular of Malaysia and the data gathered were analyzed to identify the students’ performance. Finally, the profiles of the speakers in the different performance categories were defined and described. The findings showed that out of the 140 students who served as participants of the study, 56.43% of the respondents were categorized as ‘intermediate performers”, 36.43% of the respondents were categorized as “advanced performers” and only 7.14% of the respondents were categorized as “superior performers”. As expected, no students were categorized as “novice performers”. The ESL language lecturers can use the developed test to identify undergraduates’ speaking problems and inform decision making in pursuit of improving the teaching materials tailored towards students’ needs. The current study has only included undergraduates from two universities. However, including undergraduates of other universities or nationwide involvement should be considered for future research so the generalization of the results would be guaranteed.
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctoral) |
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Subjects: | P Language and Literature > P Philology. Linguistics |
Divisions: | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > Department of English Language > Ph.D. Thesis |
Depositing User: | Mr. Rebwar Mohammed Jarjis |
Date Deposited: | 15 Jan 2024 06:39 |
Last Modified: | 15 Jan 2024 06:39 |
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